O melhor lado da contadora

O melhor lado da contadora

Blog Article

It is doable, but would make for a long day. It depends on what you want to do. I would recommend at least one night, to really enjoy your time and not feel rushed.

As we conclude our comprehensive guide to Isla Contadora, it’s evident that this Pearl Island gem offers more than just stunning beaches and luxury resorts.

Hotel Gerald: Located on Galeón Beach, Hotel Gerald features an outdoor swimming pool, a restaurant, and a rooftop terrace with a small plunge pool. Guests appreciate its proximity to beaches and restaurants, making it a convenient and luxurious choice.

: The island sees more rainfall, which can be heavy but usually short-lived. This season brings lush greenery and fewer tourists, making it perfect for those seeking a quieter experience.

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Pearl Heritage: The island’s name, Contadora, is a nod to its past as a counting center for pearls. This legacy dates back to the time when the archipelago was a significant source of pearls, attracting attention from around the globe.

The island offers a variety of dining options, ranging from local Panamanian cuisine to international dishes. Seafood is a specialty.

Black smoke spewed from the old motor as it puttered towards land. It only took five minutes to reach the beach, but it felt much longer. 

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What time of year did you go? My husband and I are going to be staying here at this same hotel for two nights in mid-May, and I know to expect rain since it’s the wet season, but curious if you had any experience.

La Romantica: This accommodation provides comfortable and clean rooms, and is known for its friendly staff and delicious breakfast. It’s a bit far from the beaches but accessible with a read more golf cart.

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